
There are 7 clubs in the Ellesmere Sub Centre.

Akaroa Bowling Club – 42 – 46 Rue Jolie, Akaroa.
Diamond Harbour Bowling Club – 20A Purau Ave, Diamond Harbour. Phone 03 329 4515
Dunsandel Bowling Club – Dunsandel Leeston Rd, Dunsandel. Phone 03 325 4296
Leeston Bowling Club – 41 High Street, Leeston. Phone 03 324 3383
Lincoln Bowling Club – 162 North Belt, Lincoln. Phone 03 325 2289
Southbridge Bowling Club – 22 Cryer Street, Southbridge. Phone 03 324 2232
Tai Tapu Bowling Club – 722 Old Tai Tapu Rd, Tai Tapu.

Click the club name above to go to Google Maps.

The bowling season runs from September to April each year, with games and tournaments being played at most clubs throughout the season. Games are played as Singles, Pairs, Triples and Fours. Most clubs host a range of tournaments that are open to any bowlers affiliated to Bowls New Zealand.
In addition to Open tournaments, each club hosts club events and club championships for their own members. All club championship winners are eligible to enter the Sub Centre and Centre Champion of Champion events for each season. Champion of Champion. events decide the best of the best in each disciple for both Men and Women and Mixed.
The Sub Centre also hosts several tournaments each season which are open to all members of clubs affiliated to this Sub Centre.

Current Officials and Committee people in our Sub Centre can be found on the Officials page.

Sub Centre Postal Address:

C/- The Secretary
Lois Begg
11 Loxley Place
Lincoln 7608